DTX Studio™ Clinic
With DTX Studio Clinic, we put you and your patients at the center. Simplifying the interaction with all your patient data (your patient scans and images). With each patient, at every visit, making each appointment more focused and valuable for everyone.
Your one dental imaging software just got even smarter
Get started today
DTX Studio Clinic is your ultimate dental imaging software, from diagnostics to treatments. It’s the one software you were looking for that does it all: X-rays, photos, 2D and 3D, extraoral and intraoral imaging formats.

All your imaging in one place
For all your patients at every visit. All modalities instantly accessible on your screens, in all your practice rooms, on Windows® PC and Mac® - for you and your entire team.
Practice Management Systems
DTX Studio Clinic interlinks with many practice management system softwares, so patient identifier information only has to be entered once.
From diagnostics to treatments
DTX Studio Clinic allows for direct operation during all sessions, in front of your patient, from diagnostics to treatment to follow-up visits. It interconnects seamlessly to implant, collaborative and restorative workflows.
Unified. Simplified.
The DTX Studio™ Clinic software keeps all your 2D and 3D imaging data together for diagnostics, treatments and follow-ups. It simplifies image acquisition, is open for import and export, offering multi-room access on Windows® PC and Mac®. Unified diagnostic views through SmartLayout™ and the revolutionary SmartFocus™ reveal the entire 2D and 3D imaging history of the tooth instantly on your screen, simply by clicking on the tooth of interest.
“The DTX Studio ecosystem has improved and streamlined my digital treatment approach. I was using 5 different software programs, now I only need one for all my digital imaging needs. DTX Studio Clinic makes my daily practice more efficient and I can communicate more effectively with my patients about their entire treatment plan.”
MagicSort™ – automatic AI-powered tooth number recognition
MagicSort automatically recognizes captured teeth on the intraoral X-ray image and assigns teeth numbers. The image is correctly orientated and placed into the relevant position in your selected radiographic mounts.

Simplified implant planning
Simply plan your implants chairside and help your patients better understand their treatment journey. SmartSetup™ helps you to automatically simulate the new teeth and to select the preferred implants from a comprehensive library. You can continue freehand, with surgical guide or use dynamic 3D navigation for surgery using DTX Studio Implant. Easily order your surgical guides with just a few clicks or print your guides locally.
SmartFusion™ – directly combining the best of two worlds
The intelligent way of directly combining surface models from all intraoral and desktop scanners with any CBCT scan using proprietary voxel-based algorithms. Accurate information of surfaces and underlying anatomy in 3D.
SmartSetup™ – fully automated tooth setup
The AI-powered engine analyzes the existing teeth in the digital impressions if available from the antagonist, and takes additional landmarks into consideration. The result is a custom tooth setup that allows you to instantly evaluate all prosthetic needs and proceed with treatment planning.

AirSpace™ – automatic identification of airways
Visualize and measure the patient’s upper respiratory tract simply by indicating two landmarks. This highlights the narrowest area, including measurements, and you can instantly present the view to the patient, or refer the findings to a specialist. For better case acceptance and smooth collaboration.
Just one software for your imaging devices
Simplify the capturing of images from your imaging devices1 by using only DTX Studio Clinic, and benefit from standardizing your clinical workflow and having all images in one place. Available in all rooms in your practice, on both PC and Mac.

QuickPrescribe – efficient digital delegation of routine imaging workflows
Gain efficiency in your routine clinical workflows by standardizing your image acquisition. Create your prescriptions digitally, all at once with just a few clicks and delegate them to your team members with full confidence.
"DTX Studio Clinic lets me simply manage my intraoral images. With just one click I can see all images and the history of every single tooth, and 2D and 3D images on the same screen and viewer. DTX Studio suite is a perfect platform for a digitally oriented dentist."

SmartFocus™ – smooth tooth-by-tooth navigation
With SmartFocus, using tooth positions as your reference, browse across your various patient images from different devices and sessions with just one click.
Bookmark your findings
Bookmark what is of special interest in any view. Clicking on a bookmark lets you jump back to the screen configuration that was active while making your annotation. This brings your professional workflow capturing findings to a new level and assists effectively with patient communication.
Logged findings are exported into a comprehensive automatic report which includes a tooth chart overview, screenshots and additional diagnostic notes.

Delegate with ease through Scan Request
The Scan Request feature2 boosts the efficiency of your practice by offering automated scheduling and delegation of scan assignments and imaging tasks. It enables you to focus on the clinical tasks in your day-to-day work: to digitally request a new image acquisition or the automatic creation of a work list for the operator.
Drag and drop 2D image import
Drag and drop 2D images, like DICOM, supported 2D image files and entire folders with different image types, directly into DTX Studio Clinic3. This allows you to effortlessly complete the visual patient file and maintain it in one place. Images are categorized and correct acquisition date is assigned.

Connecting your entire team
Sync data across the rooms within your practice. The DTX Studio Core application manages your imaging library in a central in-practice storage server connected within your local office network.
DTX Studio Go
DTX Studio Go is an online platform, available on all computer and mobile devices that lets you download the software installers, manage installations and connect to other DTX Studio suite users. You can easily follow up on orders to any DTX Studio suite connection, like scan or TempShell requests.

Key features and benefits of DTX Studio Clinic
Have a look at all the smart functions of DTX Studio Clinic that help you with your diagnostics and treatments.
Automatic AI-powered tooth number recognition
AI-powered auto-recognition of captured teeth and assignment of tooth numbers. Immediate orientation and auto-placement into the radiographic mounts. Works for newly captured, imported, and migrated images.
Implant planning
Implant planning simplified
Simply plan your implants chairside and help your patients better understand their treatment journey, right in DTX Studio Clinic.
12 viewers on the same screen
The multimodality gallery, hosting up to 12 viewers in a single screen, all clustered by location and dynamically stored for the next follow-up. Acquire new X-rays or intraoral camera images directly out of this impressive overview page to keep focused at all times.
View images related to selected tooth number.
Fast, precise and effortless navigation across all imaging modalities simply by clicking on the tooth of interest in a CBCT scan or on an intraoral X-Ray to focus on all information you have on file. Contextual images can be added in SmartLayout and are dynamically stored per site.
Align CBCT with intraoral scan
The intelligent way of combining surface models from all intraoral and desktop scanners with any CBCT scan using voxel-based algorithms.
Dedicated diagnostics view for TMJ
All relevant insights for your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder analyses. Fast setup and full dynamic control in all axes, at any time.
Reveal and present details
View all 2D and 3D images under the magnification glass simply by pressing ‘S’ on your keyboard or selecting the functionality in the menu. Press ‘+’ or ‘-’ when Spotlight is activated to magnify or zoom out in the spotlighted view.
Direct capture
Acquire images from 2D and 3D devices
Efficient imaging workflows using the same workflow for all modalities. Start the acquisition directly from your practice management system.
Open import
Freedom to import all your images
DTX Studio Clinic is fully open for input of all supported file formats. Patient specific 2D content can be added simply by drag-and-drop (files or entirely mixed folders). All other content can be imported through respective wizards.
Open export
Freedom to export all your images
DTX Studio Clinic is fully open for output of all supported file formats. All patient specific content can be exported through respective wizards.
2D Drag and drop
Ease of import
Drag and drop 2D images directly into DTX Studio Clinic (DICOM, supported 2D image files). Files, selection of files, or folder import supported. Images can be categorized, and acquisition date can be changed.
Bookmark findings
Efficiency of follow-up
Bookmark images of special interest in any view. Export to an automatic report including a tooth chart overview, screenshots and additional diagnostic notes.
Efficient digital delegation of routine imaging workflows
Gain efficiency in your routine clinical workflows by standardizing your image acquisition. Create your prescriptions digitally, all at once with just a few clicks and delegate them to your team members with full confidence.
Scan request
Digital delegation to your staff
The Scan request feature offers automated scheduling and delegation of scan assignments and imaging tasks. It enables you to focus on the clinical tasks in your day-to-day work: to digitally request a new image acquisition or the automatic creation of a work list for the operator.
Automatically identify airways
Visualize and measure the upper respiratory tract by indicating two landmarks. This highlights the narrowest area, including measurements, and you can present the view to the patient, or refer the findings to a specialist.
Encrypted data sharing
GoShare allows for anonymized, HIPAA enabled sending of patient data to labs, referrals, specialist or other dentists. A referral license of DTX Studio Clinic, used for viewing the entire patient records, is available free of charge.
DTX Studio Core sync
Your imaging data where you need it
All your imaging data available locally in your practice room, synchronized instantly within the entire practice to ensure continuity of care and access at all times for all members of the team.
All your findings in one report
General overview of information and automatic collection and assembly of all your findings in a document file. Here you can refine, edit, convert to .pdf and share with your professional partners, be it insurance companies or other authorized healthcare providers. Saving time for everyone and staying accurate.
Migration from KaVo Imaging software
Database conversion and migration services
From KaVo Imaging and third-party software databases. This allows you to keep building on the evidence collected over the years, now with one single software: DTX Studio Clinic. Some solutions allow for simultaneous use of KaVo Imaging software with DTX Studio Clinic.
Imaging device connectivity
Simplify and centralize your image capturing
Standardize your clinical workflow having all images in one place. Available in all rooms in your practice, on both Windows® PC and Mac®. Click to see the compatibility matrix to search for your device or contact us for more information.
Integration with practice management system software
Easy access and full viewing
Access and manage the same visual patient file no matter which practice room you are in and easily link it to your practice management system software. The link can be configured to open the patient file either in the thumbnail preview view or in the diagnostic view. Click here to see an overview of the various linked practice management systems.
Turn learning into achieving with DTX Studio Education.
Ready to get started or have your questions answered?
Contact us to learn more or to set up a personalized demo with one of our DTX Studio suite software specialists.
- Supported TWAIN USB or Ethernet devices (intraoral x-rays or cameras, extraoral panoramic or cephalometric images or photos).
- The possibility to delegate the acquisition of 2D, 3D or any other images to the operator within your clinic.
- Feature available in DTX Studio Clinic 1.7.5 and higher.